"meet your curiosity"
ABOOKSTUDIO.COM團隊由一群時尚的菁英攝影師以及媒體工作者組成,除了在網站上發表自己的作品外,也同時將全球最新的流行訊息與新聞,整理編輯並報導。我們團隊擅長運用視覺,透過影像創意與讀者的交流,一同分享這個讓人新奇、驚喜不斷的世界。我們的網站中,有來自世界各地有關於攝影、電影、藝術以及時尚界等不同領域的流行資訊,我們歡迎創意人來這個平台尋找靈感、啟發想像,也期許我們的網站能囊括全球最具創意的品牌和商品的訊息,成為一個具有高質感的媒體。我們希望所有創意人都能來我們的網站溝通交流,分享獨特不凡的好點子,任何好創意都能在 ABOOKSTUDIO.COM上被看到被聽見,受到喜愛和關注。
ABOOK STUDIO是一家具有垂直整合能力的媒體製作公司,憑藉著多年以來在商業市場經營,以及與主流媒體合作的豐富工作經驗,能為客戶提供完整的平面影像與視頻製作服務。ABOOKSTUDIO.COM 雖然熟練主流市場的創意製作,但從我們內在的本質精神中,始終相信,市場的需求性和藝術的創造性,並不相違背,反而希望二者的價值觀盡量碰撞,產生對話,讓我們的作品具有多元的價值。 “ABOOK 雜誌” 每兩個月出版一次,在內容裡有許多關於影像攝影技術的討論與研究,此外,每一期都邀請了知名的封面人物,來詮釋這一期的主題精神,同時有許多深入報導,以及特殊人物介紹他們創作人生中不為人知的心路歷程。我們的 “FASHION FILM 時尚影像” 的單元,發布全新原創的視頻短片,展現用影像講述故事的創意,並傳達出對各種議題的關心。我們藉由非傳統或實驗性的拍攝手法,呈現全然一新的視角,讓年輕的攝影師,導演,化妝造型師、模特兒以及行業內的專業人員,共同合作並發表作品的機會,表現出讓人驚艷的創造力。ABOOK SHOP 的電子商務平台也推出我們ABOOK 最愛的品牌,提供讀者在上面購買到具有設計性,獨特性,或是限量聯名的商品。
ABOOKSTUDIO.COM is composed of a team of photography-industry elites who are passionate about bringing forth editorial content, news, and imagery that will move your senses and awaken your curiosity. We are focused on featuring news and editorial from around the globe focused around several main categories of interest: Photography, Film, Art, and Fashion. We are the go-to platform for those looking for creativity and inspiration. We hope to become the medium to showcase related quality-brands and products from around the globe. We hope to be the outlet for unique ideas to be heard, seen, and remembered.
ABOOK STUDIO is a vertically integrated media production house with complete services in print and video production. With our background in commercial and mainstream media production, ABOOKSTUDIO.COM focuses on mainstream content but also feature less commercial yet more creative imagery that inspire dialogue. "ABOOK MAGAZINE" is published bi-monthly and features artistic photography methods as well as offers in-depth stories on topics and characters that deserve, yet may not have had the opportunity to be seen. Through our "Fashion Film" section we focus on story telling and exhibit the issues that are of importance to us. Thru non-traditional and/or experimental shooting methods we offer new perspectives, and give young photographers, directors, models, makeup artists, and other industry members an opportunity to showcase their work. Through our "ABOOK SHOP", readers are able to purchase exclusive and limited edition items that excel in design and quality.
For partnership, advertising, or media inquiries please contact us