創立於2014年,位於一個需要稍微用力尋找的巷弄內,店長所說不喜歡太麻煩的東西,喜歡隨興順便一點,所以店內的一切都是相當愜意隨興自然,充滿著手作與老物件的優雅質感。從販售古董,家具訂製,戶外道具展售,商品租借到空間設計,都是其營業項目。關於產品,因為喜好戶外活動,想以最貼近自然的產品來體驗生活所以開始嘗試做出能跟隨使用者一輩子的戶外道具,也希望產品可以使用出個人的特色,以他們的方式與自然對話。 Q 1 : 為什麼願意花那麼多的心力為客人進行客製化的服務,如調漆、仿舊上色等? A: 之前有一位女客人是店裡的常客,她的興趣是拍攝食物。之前來店裡買了一張桌板和椅子拿回去做拍攝的道具,其最後的成品很有美感我很喜歡,所以之後他請我幫他做背景板什麼的我都有專門幫他處理。我覺得進行客製化挺有趣的,雖然利潤沒有很多,但自己願意做、好玩、有趣,又能販賣還挺好的,就多少都有幫忙客製。 Q 2 : 我們注意到HOMEWORK粉絲頁的照片,拍起來很貼近生活感,又帶有一種復古的味道,可A: 以感受出每張照片都很用心的去調整角度,不管是散景或構圖搭配,請問本身有學過攝影嗎?還是因為學建築設計的關係? 謝謝你喜歡我們的照片,很遺憾完全沒有學過正規的攝影,只是很常要做這件事,事情常做總會掌握到一些什麼,我覺得這個挺直覺的,對我來說很自然就是要這樣拍,當然我也很常偷懶請我的同事們幫忙,還是覺得有很多事情做的不夠。 Q 3 : 你有學過照片調色方面的技巧嗎?是使用哪一台相機做拍攝? A: 沒有學過,就是單純依照自己的喜好去做調整。現在是用Sigma的DP2 Quattro,這台對我來說就挺夠用的,畫質很好,照片能貼近生活,有種似底片機拍出來的感覺。其實其他相機也可以達到我的要求,但這台的外型我特別喜歡,而且我不想要用一台自己無法操作的相機來拍攝。 Q 4 : HOMEWORK的物件都是有歷史的或是被人使用過的,常有一種私人的感覺,相對於目前市A: 面上一些較商業化的選物店,你有什麼看法? 我們在海外有一些小幫手幫忙選購商品,旅行時也會留意相關物件,但基本上我們不會因為哪個東西會賣,就進那樣商品,反而是以我們空間的需要或是自己的直覺去選擇商品,有時我們把一個物件買回來,會進行改造,讓他成為符合我們的物件,融入我們的空間之後,也不一定要販售,但只要有客人覺得他也喜歡並認同我們的選擇,我們就會割愛出售。 閱讀更多請至ABOOK MAGAZINE 28 ☞ PUBU https://goo.gl/wPLA1r ☞ KONO https://goo.gl/m46Iv5 ☞ MAGV http://tw.magv.com/ ☞ MZ+ http://www.mzplus.com/ ☞ 24reader http://www.24reader.com/267900 ☞ ZINIO https://goo.gl/tKGXFP ☞ TAAZE https://goo.gl/Wpy9b2 Founded in 2014, Homework Studio may take a little more effort to find, in the alleys behind Chiang Kai Shek Memorial. The manager tells us that they don’t like to make things too complex, but rather prefer a more casual demeanour. Their shop is filled with an elegance, adorned by antiques and custom-made furniture. Aside from selling out door-furniture and naturally made merchandise, product and space rental is also part of what they do. They hope that their products can last a life time and develop its own personality with each use. It’s their way of communicating with nature.
Q1: Why do you put so much effort into offering custom-made services (ex. paint jobs, color correction, etc.) for your clients? A: I had a client who came in quite often, and her hobby was photographing food. She came in once and bought a table and a chair to use as props in her shoot. I loved her photographs. So when she asked for custom backdrops I would do it for her. I think custom-made items has this appeal. Though the profit margin is not high, it’s fun, interesting, and assists our clients, so why not. Q 2: We noticed that the photos on your Facebook p age is very casual yet has this vintage feel to it. You can see the detail paid to each picture. Have you learned photography before? Or is it because of your background in architecture? A: Thank you for liking our photos! Unfortunately I’ve never taken classes in photography. I think it’s just intuition and because we do it so often, you kind of learn through trial and error. I’m lazy sometimes and ask my colleagues to help me with the photos. There’s so much more we want to do that sometimes I feel like we aren’t doing enough. Q 3: What camera do you shoot with? How did you learn to adjust the color of photographs? A: I’ve never learned how to adjust color, I just do it according to my own taste. The camera I’m using now is Sigma’s DP2 Quattro. This camera to me is sufficient, the quality is good, and the photographs come out with this natural look to it that mimics that of a film camera. I guess other cameras can also fulfill my needs, but I specifically like the physical appearance of this camera. I don’t want to use a camera that I can’t handle either, so this one is good for me. Q 4 : HOMEWORK carries mostly secondhand items or things that have a history. How is it different from the more commercial select shops out there? A: We have assistants overseas that are on the look out for unique items. When we’re traveling we are always looking for one-of-a-kind items as well. We pick items using our own intuition and with the needs of the store in mind. Sometimes when we buy an item, we come back here and tweak it to our own style. Sometimes we buy it and don’t re-sell it, unless a client is really in love with it. To find out more about our interview please visit ABOOK MAGAZINE ISSUE 28 ☞ PUBU https://goo.gl/wPLA1r ☞ KONO https://goo.gl/m46Iv5 ☞ MAGV http://tw.magv.com/ ☞ MZ+ http://www.mzplus.com/ ☞ 24reader http://www.24reader.com/267900 ☞ ZINIO https://goo.gl/tKGXFP ☞ TAAZE https://goo.gl/Wpy9b2
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April 2020