「我百分之百無法妥協!當無法百分百,寧願都不要,寧可放棄全部。」 阿花大導演,詹詠淇,創立有勇氣事務所,她自豪地說我們是唯一有品牌的唱片企劃,她是唱片圈的資深企劃,是資深娛樂記者,也是一名導演,導演作品跨足MV與廣告,現在還身兼智慧傳承的責任,創辦了青春革命學院,要把她的所學傳授給下一代,她的頭銜一點都不純粹! 純粹的性格,不純粹的頭銜,是什麼原因讓她跨足了那麼多的職位? 其實就只因為她的百分之百不妥協! 「強勢企劃」這是別的導演跟她合作時給她的評語,阿花導演說,自己是水瓶座,總是在決定事情的最後一刻翻牌,常常別人不懂她在想什麼,只有自己才知道自己要什麼,當唱片企劃時,喜歡百分之百的執行自己的想法,於是動念想要當導演,自己的想法,自己拍攝,就能夠確實的掌握百分之百的作品,她說「做這行的一定要自視甚高!」就是秉持著這樣的心態,花花導演不斷地精進自己,不讓自己被淘汰。 在韓國和中國的夾擊下,台灣流行音樂產業開始萎縮,逐漸失去領先的地位,面對這樣的危機,花花導演覺得需要更多人,願意動手去做,願意放手去做。她覺得台灣沒有搖滾樂,但學習搖滾精神確實能帶來改變的。她說,在這個敗壞年代真文青沒有用,要就要做憤青。既然新世代年輕人要創造自己的世界,那就不要酸言酸語,乾脆起來革命。講難聽一點,上一世代的舊浪不早已經躺在沙灘上,老的老,死的死,還不趕快取而代之?世代交替會自然發生,這就是自然的循環,但不要等前輩老去,才發現自己什麼都不會,無法接班。就算現在大環境再不好,我們還可以趁機精進自己,說真的光說不做,是改變不了自己困境的。 花花導演對於時下台灣的年輕人,還是充滿期待,她說自己是大前研一的粉絲,了解未來的趨勢很重要,但去實現更加重要,就像她成立青春革命院,有許多年輕學員加入學習,她著重於培養大家的積極性、抗壓性和團隊合作的精神,一旦有目標就要做到。 閱讀更多請至ABOOK MAGAZINE 27 ☞ 線上預覽 http://goo.gl/yOX9Mz ☞ PUBU http://goo.gl/Xoljbz ☞ KONO http://goo.gl/XzVmWX ☞ MAGV http://tw.magv.com/ ☞ MZ+ http://www.mzplus.com/ We take action! Because we are rockers!
I do not compromise. If I cannot get 100% then I’d rather give it all up. Director A-hua , Yung Chi Chan, founded her company“有勇氣事務所” with the purpose of passing on her knowledge to the next generation. For someone who was once a senior personnel in the music industry, and who was also an entertainment reporter, she now has the title of music video Director. Chan’s personality is genuine and simple, but her job certainly is not. What’s the reason behind her multitude of titles? The reason is simple. She doesn’t compromise. Chan sees herself as a typical Aquarius. She often changes her mind at the last minute, and even people close to her don’t know what she’s thinking. During her time as an A&R executive in the music industry, she often wanted things done completely her way. That’s what essentially led her down the road of becoming a director, because then she could control exactly what was filmed, and exactly how the project would turn out. With the Korean and Chinese market gaining popularity, the Taiwanese music industry is seemingly on a downward spiral. To Chan, in order for Taiwan to rise again in this genre, we need to discover more talent, and let go of our grips and allow those who want to contribute do their thing. Chan believes that there is essentially no rock music in Taiwan, however we can all learn from the attitudes of rock. We need a, “I don't’ give a shit” attitude, and we needn’t be afraid to let young people replace the old. Young people on the other hand need to be ready and be equipped with the skills when this takeover takes place. Those who talk the talk, can’t necessary walk the walk. Chan is optimistic about the youth of Taiwan. She’s a big Kenichi Ohmae fan and she believes that to know the trends of the future is important, but being a go-getter is even more critical. Chan tells us that in her academy “Youth Revolution” , she focuses on teaching her students not only how to work as a team, but also how to cultivate a mindset that is enthusiastic and resistant to stress. Back to our roots. Back to simplicity. “I see that vinyl records are coming back into popularity, and the development of AlphaGo, really confirms that fact that things always goes back to its roots. To find out more about our interview with Yung Chi Chan please visit ABOOK MAGAZINE ISSUE 27 ☞ PUBU http://goo.gl/Xoljbz ☞ KONO http://goo.gl/XzVmWX ☞ MAGV http://tw.magv.com/ ☞ MZ+ http://www.mzplus.com/
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April 2020